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60 Temple Place, Boston , MA, 02111, US

2024 Boston MPO Election Nomination

Complete the form below to nominate with endorsements

Each fall, four of the 12 elected municipal members of the Boston Region MPO are chosen by the Chief Executive Officer (CEOs) of the municipalities in the region to serve a three-year term. The CEO (or the CEO’s official designee) represents the elected municipality throughout the municipality’s three-year term of office. The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Advisory Board jointly administer the elections.

Candidate's Contact Info

Running For the Open MPO Seat in

Or Upload Statement of Candidacy

Click Here to Upload


First Endorser

Second Endorser

Third Endorser

I attest that the individuals listed above have endorsed the named official. I am aware MAPC and the Advisory Board will follow up with the listed individuals to confirm endorsement.

Election Procedure


Submit by 5 PM on Monday, October 7th, 2024

Municipal Chief Executive Officer Sign Here

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Inquiries Please Reach Out To
Eric Bourassa, MAPC (617) 933 -0740
Brian Kane, MBTA Advisory Board (617) 426-6054